Unit 15 Test Retake Deadline: 5/20, 2:45 pm
Unit 16 Test: Comprehensive FINAL
May 22? & May 26?
May 22? & May 26?
UNIT XVI: Review of all the things!
The Unit 16 Exam is comprehensive.
You will be permitted to use both sides of a 3x5 card on it.
You will be permitted to use both sides of a 3x5 card on it.
- Finals are given on the last two regular school days (before yearbook day).
- The final counts as DOUBLE a unit test. (75 questions, 4 points each)
- There is NO RETAKE available for the final.
Unit 16 has special rules:
- You only get 3 attempts on each Canvas assignment, because the questions are the same each time, and are multiple choice. (Canvas will keep your highest score.)
- You only need to score 80% on the Canvas assignments to earn full credit. These four assignments are 40 questions each. You only have to get 32/40 correct to get full points.
- The Canvas assignments for this unit are eligible for bonus points, but ONLY if they are on time. (Work ahead if you need to!) Late Canvas will not be eligible for any bonus points.
- NO Late Work Grace Period! All Unit 16 assignments must be turned in by Day 87 (5/22 or 5/26)-- in order to be eligible for credit!
All the unit review outlines and all the Power Points from Units 1-15 are considered "review notes" at this point. Here is a list of the units we've done, with links to the Unit Review Outlines:
Day 83: May 12 (A-Day) & May 13 (B-Day)
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
NOTE: If you are not eligible for the Tie-Dye Lab, you are also not eligible for Tie-Dye bonus points.
Day 84: May 14 (A-Day) & May 15 (B-Day)
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
Day 85: May 18 (A-Day) & May 19 (B-Day)
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
Day 86: May 20 (A-Day) & May 21 (B-Day)
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
Unit 16 Deadline
Day 87: 5/22 (A-Day) & 5/26 (B-Day)
Day 87: 5/22 (A-Day) & 5/26 (B-Day)
Day 87: May 22 (A-Day) & May 26 (B-Day)
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
In class:
- Turned in:Review Part IV: InClassWS
- The Unit 16 Late Work Deadline is the beginning of your class period on this day (regardless of whether you are in class or not).
Day 87: FINALS
May 22??
May 22??
In class:
Homework & Assignment:
Unit 16 Late Work Deadline
is the day of your class final.
(Regardless of whether or not you are in class.)
is the day of your class final.
(Regardless of whether or not you are in class.)
*If you missed a quiz due to an excused absence, you will need to come to the classroom to make it up. It is in the Quiz binder at the front of the class. Quizzes given in each unit must be made up by that unit's scheduled test date. Take the quiz on your own half-sheet of lined paper, fill out a late-work-form, staple it to the quiz, and turn it into to LATE basket. If you are making up a quiz due to a tardy, it will cost a punch on your slacker pass.